Customer Enablement in B2B: Like Google Maps for Success

In my last article, we explored how buyer enablement is like using Google Maps to navigate the B2B buying journey. But what happens after the deal is closed? That’s just the beginning.

If buyer enablement is about getting prospects to the destination, customer enablement is about making sure they continue the journey confidently. Just as Google Maps doesn’t abandon you at your destination, customer enablement keeps guiding customers through onboarding, adoption, renewals, and even expansion. It’s about making sure they get the most out of the product and feel supported at every step.

Onboarding & Change Management: The First Few Miles

Let’s say you’ve arrived at your destination with Google Maps, but it’s a completely new neighborhood. Google Maps doesn’t just stop there, does it? It keeps guiding you to the best parking spots, nearby attractions, and alternate routes if needed. Customer enablement is similar—it doesn’t leave customers hanging after signing the contract.

Here’s how customer enablement parallels onboarding and change management:

  • Step-by-Step Guidance: Just like Google Maps offers turn-by-turn directions, customer enablement provides clear, step-by-step onboarding processes. Whether it’s guiding users through initial setup or navigating change management, the goal is to help customers settle in quickly and comfortably.
  • Tracking Progress: Google Maps shows you exactly where you are in real time, so you know how far you’ve come. Similarly, customer enablement tools show customers their progress in onboarding, giving them visibility into milestones and fostering a sense of accomplishment.
  • Anticipating Roadblocks: Just like getting alerts about traffic ahead, customer enablement anticipates potential hiccups during onboarding. It’s all about removing barriers before they become issues, keeping customers on the right track.

Success Plans & Adoption: Exploring New Routes

Once onboarding is done, the next step is to ensure customers are making the most of the product—think of it as exploring a new city with the help of Google Maps. You’re familiar with the main roads, but what about the shortcuts, hidden gems, or better routes to avoid traffic?

Here’s how customer enablement helps with adoption:

  • Clear Success Plans: Just as Google Maps outlines the best route to your destination, success plans lay out the clearest path to customer success. These plans keep customers aligned with their goals and provide a clear vision of what’s possible.
  • Real-Time Adjustments: Google Maps adjusts based on real-time traffic, and customer enablement does the same. If a customer’s priorities shift, success plans adapt to ensure that they’re still on track.
  • Highlighting Value: Google Maps doesn’t just show you the route—it suggests faster ways, scenic roads, or even points of interest along the way. Similarly, customer enablement keeps showing customers new features or functionalities that could drive additional value.

Facilitating Renewals: Keeping Customers on Track

When you’ve relied on Google Maps to get somewhere smoothly, you’re likely to use it again, right? In B2B, renewals work the same way—if customers have had a great experience, they’ll want to stick around.

Customer enablement plays a big role in facilitating renewals:

  • Consistent Check-Ins: Just like Google Maps updates you regularly during your trip, regular check-ins ensure customers are aligned with their goals, making renewal decisions easier.
  • Identifying Roadblocks Early: Just as Google Maps warns you about delays, customer enablement identifies potential renewal blockers, like unresolved issues or shifting priorities, before they escalate.

Expansion: When Buyers Become Buyers Again

Here’s where things get interesting. Remember that expansion is just another buying journey. In fact, it’s where buyer enablement and customer enablement intersect. It’s like Google Maps suggesting alternate destinations or quicker routes for your next trip—guiding customers to explore more value.

  • Remember Their Commercial Needs: Just because customers are now users, it doesn’t mean they stop being buyers. The best CS professionals adopt a commercial mindset, looking for ways to help customers achieve more value and uncover expansion opportunities.
  • Guiding Towards Growth: Like Google Maps suggesting the next best route, customer enablement guides customers toward solutions that align with their evolving needs. By positioning CS as a trusted advisor, you open the door for deeper relationships and additional sales.

Conclusion: Customer Enablement as Your Customer’s GPS

Customer enablement is like having a reliable co-pilot—one that helps customers navigate onboarding, success plans, renewals, and even expansion. It’s not just about getting them to the finish line, but about keeping the journey smooth, engaging, and valuable.

When you blend buyer enablement and customer enablement, you’re not just selling a product—you’re creating a comprehensive journey that wins customers and keeps them happy. And stay tuned—next, we’ll be exploring how go-to-market strategies align with Google Maps’ principles, helping companies navigate market opportunities more effectively.

For more on customer enablement and other revenue topics, you may also enjoy our Quest to Quota Attainment Course which is broken up into short modules making it easy to learn and practice new skills in short but effective time blocks each day. And finally, if you need hands-on support for your revenue-generation efforts, check out the services we offer.

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